Wanting Family Nearby Leads to the Waiting Game

DahlbergLooking to purchase a home for her daughter and grandkids, this buyer brought us in as we used to work with her daughter in the past and she knew we could be trusted with the job.

They had already located the perfect property. It was their neighbor down the street and that was the perfect situation for this family. It was a bankruptcy short sale meaning the road to closing would be long and tedious. Many different offers had to be written, approvals and denials by the courts and the banks, a lot of back and forth, and a lot of waiting, but we made it happen. The whole process took almost 6 months to complete. However, knowing up front it would be a long wait helped prepare this family for the process. And in the end, they got a house several doors down from their own for their family, which is making family get togethers a breeze!

Enjoy having Shana and kids nearby Dale and Sandy!

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