Newly Married Couple Buys First Home in Magnolia Biking Distance from Work

townhomeThis young newly married couple was looking to purchase their first home together and were connected with us by their lender at Salal Credit Union, Jeff Van Nostran. Jeff is a great member of our team and when he learned they were looking for a house or townhome in Seattle, he knew we would be the perfect fit.

Looking for a home or townhome in the Capitol Hill area, Magnolia, Queen Anne, or up to 75th in north Seattle for under $450,000 within biking distance to their offices downtown Seattle was our task. With both of these clients being Architects, we knew the space had to be interesting so we “designed” a home search with them in mind.   We looked at little cottages, townhomes, and homes and the desire for something a little more modern started to emerge. Although there were originally open to a house they could update and make their own, in the end, with their crazy work schedules and social calendars, they decided they were looking for something more move in ready. We saw a standalone home in Magnolia that lived like a low maintenance townhome. No shared walls but still easy to keep up, this house felt like a great match. With multiple offers coming in we were able to squeeze in a pre-inspection and put forth our best offer and after presenting it to the Seller’s Agent in person, we were the winning buyers! After that it was smooth sailing. With Jeff as their lender and us working as their agents, we were able to smoothly close this purchase in just 3 weeks.

Congrats on being home owners David and Megan!

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