Urban Craft Uprising Winter Show Coming Soon

Urban Craft UprisingWhen the holidays come up, we are always looking for a place to find unique gifts for friends, family, colleagues and clients (and sometimes ourselves!). And the Urban Craft Uprising has never done us wrong! We have been the last couple years and found some wonderful hand crafted gifts among the booths.

The Urban Craft Uprising takes place twice a year and their winter show is taking place on Saturday December 7th and Sunday December 8th from 11am to 5pm in the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall. It is an indie craft show that showcases a wide variety of hand-crafted goods. With over 100 vendors you are bound to find something that works for your needs. And the vendor’s wares run the gamut from accessories, jewelry, baby stuff, candles, body products, clothing, and knitted goods to food, housewares, art, paper-goods and toys. Finding this wide range of goods in one place is unique so it’s a great one stop shop!

Check it out and cross some items of the holiday gift list!

Click here for more information on Urban Craft Uprising.

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