Moving to Seattle for Medical Residency Means Buying Their First Townhome in Seattle Close to Green Lake


Green Lake TownhomeThese buyers are both doctors who were moving into Seattle for their residencies at the University of Washington. They received our information from their residency director at UW. We have helped a lot of residents and faculty doctors find housing around Seattle and it is a group of clients we really love to help and work with!

They were looking to find a townhome with easy access to the University of Washington group of hospitals. They wanted to low maintenance lifestyle of a condo but the space of a house so a townhome was the perfect fit. We searched high and low, or rather north and south, in Seattle to find a good fit for these resident doctors. After searching with them while they were in town, and getting to know what they liked and didn’t like, the search turned one of the video variety since they had to return home to finish up school before the big move. We would find a potential fit and send detailed videos to them to review. Our videos are really good 🙂 And through this method of out of the area home touring, they found the one for them! We coordinated everything for them from here from inspections to signings to utility readings, and more!

We hope you are enjoying Seattle and UW Adam and Marilynn!

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