Growing Family Looking for More Space in Covington

Sent our way by great friends of ours, this family was looking to purchase a home for their growing family.

After having an in-depth buyer consultation where we laid out the current market conditions to make sure that these buyers were ready for this frenzied market, we learned what they were looking for. Wanting to be in a single-family home in a quiet neighborhood near family in the southern suburbs of Seattle. Other criteria was yard space for their dogs, three bedrooms and at least 2 baths. We began the search and looked for several months before we found a house that met all of their ‘must have’ criteria and most of their ‘would like’ criteria. After writing a clean and aggressive offer we found out we were the runner up. However, after a week, we heard from the seller’s agent that the first buyers backed out and they wanted to know if we were still interested. Our Buyers jumped at the chance!

Hope you’re loving your new home Troy and Nicole!

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